Jialiang Wei(魏佳良)
Ph.D. Candidate of Chemistry
State Key Laboratory of Natural and Biomimetic Drugs
School of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Peking University
100191 Beijing, P. R. China
E-mail: jlwei@vip.qq.com
2012.9~2016.6 School of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering, Sun Yat-Sen University.
Macromolecular Materials and Engineering, Bachelor.
2013.9~2016.6 Members of “National Top-Notch Undergraduate Program For Pure Science”, Yat-Sen Honor School.
Institute of Organic Chemistry & MOE Key Laboratory of Bioinorganic and Synthetic Chemistry. Research Interests: Organocatalysis based on Selenium and Sulfur element, Asymmetric Catalysis and Synthesis.
(Supervisor:Prof. Xiaodan Zhao)
2016.9~Now School of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Peking University.
Medicinal Chemistry, Ph.D. Candidate.
(Supervisor:Prof. Ning Jiao)
Academic Activities
2014.10 13th "Challenge Cup" competition
2014.11 The 4th Organic Chemistry Conference of Southern China
2015.4 SYSU-SUCT Literature Review Competition
2015.4 SYSU Scientific Meeting of undergraduate students
2015.7 The 9th CCS National Organic Chemistry Conference.
2015.12 The 5th Organic Chemistry Conference of Southern China
Awards and Honors
¨ 2012-2013 Outstanding student scholarship
¨ 2013.6 Activists Award
¨ 2013-2014 Outstanding student scholarship
¨ 2014.10 13th "Challenge Cup" competition Second Prize (Principal Person)
¨ 2014-2015 Outstanding student scholarship
¨ 2015.4 SYSU-SUCT Literature Review Competition First Prize
¨ 2015.4 SYSU Scientific Meeting of undergraduate students
Innovation Team Award (Principal Person)
¨ 2015.4 Jin-Fa Technology Scientific Meeting of undergraduate students
Top Award (Principal Person)
¨ 2015.12 Sheng-Yi Scholarship Award